Funny Facts About Aging Population Quiz

Question number 1

Hom many people live on planet Earth?

Choose an answer

1 About 7.7 million

2 About 7.7 bilion

3 About 770 bilion

The right answer is no.2 :

The world population is around 7.7 bilion in 2019

Question number 2

The world population

Choose an answer

1 is increasing

2 is stable

3 is decreasing

The right answer is no.1 :

The world population is expected to increase at a rate 1.1% in 2019, which represents an additional 82 million people this year.

Question number 3

What is the most densely populated continent ?

Choose an answer

1 Europe

2 Africa

3 Asia

The right answer is no.3 :

Asia has long been the most densely populated continent (In 2019, 60% of the world's inhabitants live in Asia, ie 4.6 billion)

Question number 4

Human length of life

Choose an answer

1 is increasing

2 is stable

3 is decreasing

The right answer is no.1 :

In 2019, length of life is 72,6 years on average across the world. It has risen sharply over the last century (it was around 35 years in 1900 and 46 years in 1950) and still increasing.

Question number 5

For every 1,000 babies born in the world, how many die before age 1 ?

Choose an answer

1 280

2 28

3 3

The right answer is no.2 :

In 2019,for every 1,000 babies born, 28 die before reaching their first birthday (one on 36). This is a world average, and there are big differences from one continent to another: 45 per thousand in Africa compared with 6 per thousand in North America.

Question number 6

Which continent has the lowest population density ?

Choose an answer

1 Asia

2 Africa

3 Oceania

The right answer is no.3 :

Population density is lowest in Oceania, with 5 inhabitants per square kilometre(km²) in 2019, compared with 44 inhabitants per km² in Africa and 148 inhabitants per km² in Asia.

Question number 7

Across the world, women are having

Choose an answer

1 fewer and fewer children

2 more and more children

3 the same number of children

The right answer is no.1 :

Fertility decreased from 5 children per woman on average in 1950 to just under 2.5 in 2019, and is still declining.

Question number 8

The world population is

Choose an answer

1 getting younger

2 stable in terms of average age

3 getting older

The right answer is no.3 :

The world population is ageing, the proportion of old people is increasing and that of young people is failing.

Question number 9

What is the world's most populated country ?

Choose an answer

1 India

2 China

3 United States

The right answer is no.2 :

According to UN, China, with 1.9 bilion inhabitants in 2017 is the world's most populated country.

Question number 10

On what continent is population increasing most quicky ?

Choose an answer

1 Asia

2 Africa

3 South America

The right answer is no.2 :

In 2019,the population is excpected to increasing by 2.5% each year in Africa, compared with 0.9% in South America and in Asia.

To improve your score, look in the "All about population" pages on our website.

Question number 1

What is the world's most populated city ?

Choose an answer

1 New York

2 Toyko

3 Mexico City

The right answer is no.2 :

According to UN, Tokyo, with an urban agglomeration totalling 39 milion inhabitants in 2019 is the world's biggest city.

Question number 2

What is likely to be the world's most populated country in 2050 ?

Choose an answer

1 China

2 India

3 Brazil

The right answer is no.2 :

Under the United Nations medium projection, India will be the world's most populated country in 2050, with almost 1.6 bilion inhabitants, ahead of China with 1.4 bilion and Brazil with 229 milion.

Question number 3

How many babies are born in the world every second ?

Choose an answer

1 1

2 4

3 40

The right answer is no.2 :

A few more than 4 babies per second—specifically, 267 per minute, giving a rate of slightly over 140 million per year—have been born in 2019. For the world's 1.9 billion women of childbearing age, this amounts to an average of 2.45 children per woman

Question number 4

In the world, what is the ratio of boys to girls among newborns ?

Choose an answer

1 boys outnumber girls

2 boys and girls are born in equal numbers

3 girls outnumber boys

The right answer is no.1 :

More boys are born than girls.For the period 2015-2020, the ratio was 107 boys for 100 girls. Until the 1990s, this difference was 106 boys for every 100 girls. It has risen since then to 108 boys per 100 girls between 1995 to 2005 due to the selective abortion of female foetuses in Asia.

Question number 5

What country has the highest life expectancy ?

Choose an answer

1 Switzerland

2 United States

3 Japan

The right answer is no.3 :

In Japan, life expectancy at irth is 84.8 years (in 2019), compared with 83.8 years in Switzerland and 78.9 years in the United States.

Question number 6

Which of these countries is most densely populated ?

Choose an answer

1 The Netherlands

2 Canada

3 India

The right answer is no.1 :

The population density of a country is expressed as a number of inhabitants per unit of surface area. The population of the Netherlands is much smaller than that of India, but because it is smaller in size, the population density is higher : 504 inhabitants per km² in 2019 versus 460 in India. The population density of Canada in 2019 is 4 inhabitants per km².

Question number 7

By how much does the world population increase each year ?

Choose an answer

1 8.2 million

2 82 million

3 820 million

The right answer is no.2 :

The world population is expected to increase by 82 million inhabitants (1.1%) in 2019.

Question number 8

What percentage of the world population is urban ?

Choose an answer

1 Below 50%

2 50%

3 Above 50%

The right answer is no.3 :

More than half the world's inhabitants live in a town or city (56% in 2019) up from just 30% in 1950. It is expected to increase to 68% by 2050.

Question number 9

Who live longer, men or women ?

Choose an answer

1 men

2 women

3 no difference between men and women

The right answer is no.2 :

Women, in 2019, they lived 75 years on average, comparend with 70 years for men.

Question number 10

What proportion of the world population lives in Africa ?

Choose an answer

1 1 inhabitant in 6

2 1 inhabitant in 12

3 1 inhabitant in 18

The right answer is no.1 :

In 2019, Africa is home to one in six people, or 17% of the world's population. According to United Nations average projections, it will have 39 per cent of the population by 2100, or two out of five inhabitants

To improve your score, look in the "All about population" pages on our website.

Question number 1

What are the world's three most populated countries, in order, in 2019 ?

Choose an answer

1 China, India, United States

2 India, China, United States

3 China, United States, India

The right answer is no.1 :

China is the world's most populated country, with just over 1.4 billion inhabitants, just ahead of India with more than 1.3 billion. The United States are fare behind, with slightly more than 300 million inhabitants.

Question number 2

How many cities in the world had more than 10 million inhabitants in 2018?

Choose an answer

1 20

2 30

3 40

The right answer is no.2 :

According to the United Nations, there were 30 urban agglomerations with more than 10 millions inhabitants in 2018. There were only 11 in 1990.

Question number 3

In the world population, what is the ratio of males to females ?

Choose an answer

1 more males than females

2 the same number of males and females

3 more females than males

The right answer is no.1 :

Men slightly outnumber women (102 males for 100 females in the world in 2015). More boys than girls are born (107 boys per 100 girls). The proportion then decreases with age because boys or men die more than girls or women overall. So there are as many men as women at 50, and more women than men beyond.

Question number 4

How many people die in the world every second ?

Choose an answer

1 2

2 20

3 200

The right answer is no.1 :

Around two people on Earth die every second. The exact number is 1.8, making a total of 160,000 per day and 58 million per year (2019). This represents around 8 annual deaths per 1,000 population.

Question number 5

What are the world's three most populated cities, in order ?

Choose an answer

1 Shanghai, Tokyo and Delhi

2 Tokyo, Delhi and Shanghai

3 Delhi, Mexico and Shanghai

The right answer is no.2 :

They are at first Tokyo, whose agglomeration has 37 million inhabitants in 2015 according to United Nations statistics, then Delhi and Shanghai, with respectively 26 and 23 millions.

Question number 6

In the world, the population aged under 15 represents :

Choose an answer

1 almost one person in four

2 almost one person in five

3 almost one person in ten

The right answer is no.1 :

There are 1.96 billion under-15s in the world, which is almost 25% of the 7.71 billion total inhabitants (in 2019).

Question number 7

In which of these countries is life expectancy shortest ?

Choose an answer

1 Bangladesh

2 Ivory Coast

3 Senegal

The right answer is no.2 :

According to the United Nations, life expectancy (Men and women combined) is 57.8 years in Ivory Coast compared with 67.9 years in Senegal and 72.6 years in Bangladesh (in 2019).

Question number 8

What percentage of the world's population lives outisde the country where they were born?

Choose an answer

1 3%

2 10%

3 30%

The right answer is no.1 :

The UN estimates more than 258 million migrants in 2017, that is, people who reside outside their homeland. This is equivalent to 3.4% of the world's population.

Question number 9

By how much does the world population increase each day ?

Choose an answer

1 2,000

2 200,000

3 20 million

The right answer is no.2 :

The world population grows by 200,000 every day.

Question number 10

How old was Jeanne Calment, the world's longest-living woman, when she died ?

Choose an answer

1 102

2 112

3 122

The right answer is no.3 :

Jeanne Calment, a frenchwoman, died in 1997 at the age of 122.

To improve your score, look in the "All about population" pages on our website.


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